Things To Do Review

Place de la Bourse (Place Royale), Bordeaux, France
editor's rating

Rating: 8

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T: +00 33 5 56 79 50 95 17 Place de la Bourse, 33076
Bordeaux, France
44° 50' 30.74'' N,
0° 34' 14.35'' W
Landmarks, Architecture, Tourist areas
"Three symmetrical and identical buildings, adjusent to each other"

Place de la Bourse (Place Royale) is absolutely one of the most beautiful architectural examples of symmetrical madness, credited to 17th century's Louis XV. Not one but actually three buildings, adjacent to each other and covered in limestone.

Added bonus is the fact that from the proper point of view, the buildings appear to be sitting on shallow reflecting waters. A spectacular sight at night (again from the proper angle). Place de la Bourse is actually set on a large waterfront plaza on the Garonne River with a shallow pool in front of it, which creates the effect. 

Walk or just sit and watch the tourists and locals cycling, walking, skateboarding and roller skating. Quite a backdrop you will have. Keep in mind tourist areas equal high prices, if you decide to take your wallet for a ride.

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