Restaurant Review

Puesta Oyster Bar & Grill, Limassol, Cyprus
editor's rating

Taste: 5

Service: 5

Adventure: 4

Ambience: 8

Appearance: 5

Pricing: 6

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+357 25 329040 Limassol42, Amathountos, Seaside street, Ayios Tychonas Pezodromos
Limassol, Cyprus
34° 42' 25.67'' N,
33° 1' 21.42'' E
€€€ PPPP: €50 Beachside, Casual
"Captures the essence of a greatly needed Summer venue."

Puesta Oyster Bar & Grill sounds like Spanish, but it really is a casual oyster beach bar that has a hefty menu which includes anything from burgers to grill. Since it is built right on the beach, its location is so amazing, it is hard to take-in! On the sand! How did they pull that off? There is no road to get there so you have to park at the Four Seasons lower street and walk for about 0.5 km to find it. Although it is spacious, Puesta Oyster Bar & Grill is very busy, so plan ahead if it is a weekend.

Tempted by the “live this and live that” descriptions on the menu, we ordered a huge plate of Crustaceans which did not turn out to be a good idea. It was messy, it was hard and at the end we were sick of shellfish. Instead we should have just ordered the Astakomakaronada (lobster pasta) which everybody was recommending. The octopus Carpaccio nevertheless was excellent and so was the mozzarella salad...

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