Things To Do Review

Charlie Chaplin Statue, Vevey, Switzerland
editor's rating

Rating: 6

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Quai Perdonnet, 1800
Vevey, Switzerland
46° 27' 28.8'' N,
6° 50' 47.5'' E

By the water walks, Sculptures
"Some famous people have lived in Switzerland, including Charlin Chaplin."

Some very famous people have lived in Switzerland. Among them Freddy Mercury and Charly Chaplin. And you can see their statues around the country. So, Charlie Chaplin was in Vevey. If you are in the area you can take a snapshot with the cute life-size statue of the iconic comedian.

The monument is conveniently located at the edge of Lake Leman. Don't expect to be wowed by this charming sculpture, rather enjoy it on a good weather stroll.

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