Things To Do Review

Banys Arabs (Arab Baths), Girona, Spain
editor's rating

Rating: 5

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T: 972 21 32 62 Carrer Ferran El Catolico, s/n Del Sac 4 - 5, 17004
Girona, Spain
41° 59' 18.1'' N,
2° 49' 32.4'' E
"A good example of Muslim baths."

Dating back in the 12th century, the well preserved baths Banys Arabs in Girona are open for tourists (viewing not usage that is) for a small €2 fee. There are four rooms including the dressing room, the cold stone room, the warm stone room and the hot stone room, while the metal spiral staircase enables viewing from the top. It is a good example of Muslim baths, which in some parts of the world are still popular.

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